About Us
The Spiritist Society of Florida was founded by Edgar Crespo, with Yvonne Limoges and established in 1982, although the group was already meeting together since 1978.
Edgar Crespo attended a Spiritist Center in New York City originally established in 1933 as a child with his parents (his mother was a medium). Later, when his mediumship developed he attended their mediums class. Since Spiritist books in English were lacking he was the first to translate the classic Memoirs of Father Germain written by Amalia Domingo Soler the famous Spiritist from Spain. The English version was published in 2006. He also translated a book by the famous Spiritist medium from Spain, Miguel Vives' Practical Guide for Spiritists published in 2007. Edgar Crespo disincarnated in 2008.
Co-founder Yvonne Limoges is a 5th generation Spiritist (and a medium of over 40 years) who directs the meeting, and the study classes. She is also the editor of the monthly newsletter. Her spirit writings and other articles have also appeared in other Spiritist, Spiritualist, and parapsychic newsletters, magazines, and journals in countries around the world, and many have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese. Society corresponds with local, national, and international Spiritist and Spiritualist organizations all around the world. Its members have attended many Spiritist and parapsychology conferences. She was involved in the translation with others and she edited the book Fundamentals of Spiritism published in 2013 in English, originally written in Spanish by Jon Aizpúrua. Besides being many years a long time member, she was also on the Board of Directors and the Publications Committee (2006-2009) of the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies, Inc.
Our center has a group of dedicated mediums, most with many, many years of experience. They have attended years of mediumship instruction. They perform their sacred duties free of charge. The Society meets the last Sunday of every month at 9AM, except in the month of December. Our service is conducted in English.
Spiritists have no clergy and we DO NOT use or do any of the following:
Fortune-telling, tarot cards, images, incense, candles, crystals, amulets, horoscopes, tobacco, drugs, or any other objects or any other objects or rituals. We practice our service in simplicity without any external forms of worship. We do not impose our principles on anyone but invite those interested, to submit its teachings to the test of one's reason. Persons of all faiths are welcome and all services are free of charge!