Starting a Group
Individual Study
A serious and sincere intent is necessary in order to truly practice as a Spiritist. If there is no Spiritist Center near you, one can still study the Spiritist Doctrine by reading the books yourself. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us. The main emphasis regarding Spiritism is to be as moral a person as one can be.
Nevertheless, many people would still like to get a group together. You should have people who will meet with you that are serious and dedicated to learn about Spiritism. So we have written the following as a basic guideline.
Group Study
It is preferable to meet at a convenient time for all who want to attend. The same hour, day, and place, is preferable to more readily receive assistance from the spirit world that will plan their own schedule accordingly, to meet with your group. This is also so the spiritual ambient of the meeting place can be prepared beforehand by the spirit world. Consistency of practice and harmonious unity of purpose is a must!
The Group should attend on time and everyone should avoid frivolous conversation, and settle down swiftly to the purpose of the meeting.
- Opening Prayer — one either from the Gospel According to Spiritism or another one that is appropriate for this meeting to open. The prayer should be one that is to open in the name of God and with a request for spiritual protection and inspiration from the spirit world in the seeking and understanding of Spiritual Truths. During this prayer, everyone should be putting their thoughts to the task at hand, leaving behind the details and bothers of every day life.
- A Reading — An appointed person, this duty can be rotated, reads a short passage from one of the books of Kardec, The Gospel According to Spiritism and The Spirits' Book is preferable at first, on an alternating basis. One must know the subject matter before one attempts communication with the spirit world.
- Discussion of passage — Each person should be able to make their comments and/or ask questions in their turn. Common courtesy should be the order of the day with respect towards others and personal opinions.
- Ending Prayer — A closing prayer should now be said, thanking those spirits who have attended the meeting (which they most definitely have, because they have been called and/or brought by superior spirits, although you may not be aware of them), AND, thanks to God, for His Blessings and Protection and for Him permitting them to be able to attend.
- Any New Business or Announcements
(NOTE: during these meetings there is spiritual protection from superior spirits of which nothing happens without their permission and the final permission of God. But, the Group must continually strive to merit this protection by their serious and sincere intent and practical efforts. The meeting should be organized, proceed smoothly, and not exceed one hour generally. The most knowledgeable person of the group, whom everyone trusts, may develop into what can be called the director or coordinator of the group. Spiritist Practice has no clergy.)
Spirit Communications
If there is consistency and sincerity of purpose in the Group, after some time passes, God may provide what is necessary in order to allow a meeting to be able to receive spirit communications. Certain members may develop stronger mediumship abilities; such as, seeing visions, feeling strong impressions and emotions, and spirits who communicate using the person's body. This may or may not happen. In some groups, this is a natural progression.
A Mediumship Study Group
It is at this time, that these individuals should start a period of serious education regarding their mediumship in order to better prepare for the meeting. The use of their mediumship abilities should ONLY be used during these meetings and not anywhere else. They have more spiritual protection during these meetings for the unfolding and development of their mediumship faculties.
The mediums will need a separate meeting for their instruction for specific study, assimilation of The Mediums' Book (a summary of information from this book is provided on this website), so the mediums can properly start orienting themselves through practice and be able to fully develop and use their faculty.
(See Mediumship page)
The primary goal of receiving spirit communications is moral and spiritual education as this is the true Spiritist Practice.